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Alright guys, let's first talk about some first things about Poland. Let's talk about the the geography of Poland. Poland is located in central Europe and is bordered by Germany, Czech, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. The capital city is Warsaw or in Polish they say Varsava. Vorsava talk. Yeah, you guys say vorsava and the population of. Poland is about is over 38 million, give or take. When somebody says give or take, it's like Maso Manos is like more or less give or take. Now let's explore the rich history of Poland. Poland has a very long and complex history going back to, I don't want to say the 10th century. The country has been invaded and occupied many times throughout the history they were occupied by Germany. The Soviet Union during the World War Two. However, Poland is very important in European history, is known for its contributions to the art, music, literature, you know. So I don't know much about this. I know some artists, I know some musicians like like the guys that just played, but I know that. The literature and the arts and the music is very popular, very, very important. I wouldn't say probably popular, but I'd say it's quite important. The language is Polish. Polish is a Slavic language and it's used. It's spoken by over 50 million people worldwide. Let's look at some comments. Polish vocabulary. I know this is an English podcast, but let's say some some a few things in Polish, right we have. Jin Dobre, which is hello, and 

we have Jin Ku here, which is thank you. We have chesh, which is I think chesh is hello, we have Tak, which is yes, and ye, which is no. So that's a few words that I remember that I learned from my Polish classes. All right, 

they have. A lot of interesting traditions, which is like they have a colorful, full costume, traditional dances and music. They dance polka and the mazurka. Am I saying that correctly, guys? My Polish speak, my Polish students mazurka. Yeah, yeah, I have mazurka over there. And I'm going to be going to Poland soon. I hope I'll be in Poland this summer and when I go to Poland. I want to visit the famous landmarks and tourist attractions. They have a valvel castle in Krakow and the Missourian Lake District. And also there's this mountains. I don't know if I'm saying this right guys, but it's called bishadi. It's a beautiful mountains 

close to Missouri if I'm not mistaken. And yes, I want to visit that and also they have. If you guys type in, I want you guys to stop, pause the podcast. I want you to go on Google and I want you to type in. What's the name of this is a building in I want to say is in danye or in Gdansk? It's in Gdansk and it's like a building. 

It's like the weird building. It's a very weird building type in Gdansk. Weird building. And you're going to see like this building, which is like a crooked house. It looks crooked. Crooked is like when it's not straight, right. It's like it looks crooked, crooked. This architecture, yeah, it's going to, it's going to be like you're going to be like what kind of, what kind of architecture is this? What type of building is this? It's the crooked house in Gdansk type in the dance crooked house. And I want to go to Gdansk and also. Check out that building because it it just looks very interesting. I think. It's not in dance. It's in soap pot, maybe. Okay, guys, I'm. I'm messing up this podcast, guys, so bear with me. Oh, my goodness, Polish people don't hate me, man. I love you guys. I love Polish. All right, let's go to the food in Poland, right? We have a lot of good, interesting dishes in Poland. A very famous Polish dish is chicken and fries I'm playing. It's not chicken and fries, it's a pierogi, which which are dumplings filled with a variety of ingredients. You can put meat in it, you could put potatoes, you could put cheese, you could put sauerkraut. And pierogi is like think of it like a empanada. You guys that are in Latin America, North America, if you remember what an empanada is like, it's sort of like an empanada. And you can have it boiled, you can have it fried, you can have it baked, and usually they're often topped with butter, sour cream or onions. Another popular dish is beagles. Beagles is a Stew made with sauerkraut meat sausage. And they serve it with like a rye bread. And they usually eat this type of food like on a cold day because it's comfort food. And I don't know if I'm going to be 

pronouncing this one right, is kielbasa is a type of Polish sausage. It can come smoked, grilled, boiled, and also comes with sauerkraut, mustard and bread. So in Poland they love their sauerkraut. All right. Sauerkraut is like some type of cabbage. Do you guys know what cabbage is? I don't know if you guys know what. It's like a raw cabbage and it's fermented and it has like a lactic acid type of thing going on. So it's like some type of raw cabbage. OK, so that's what the sauerkraut is, all right. And also some Polish Donuts, which is the poxy poxky, I want to say. And they have apple pie, and I can't say this word. The apple pie, it's like zarlotka, dak. And they have cernique, which is the cheesecake. All right. Poland has a lot of interesting dishes, so I can't wait to go to Poland so I can try these different types of food. Also, you got to remember that Poland is a. Predominantly Catholic country. So they celebrate holidays like Easter, Christmas, you know, so they're very Catholic. I think one of the popes, John Paul, was from Poland. So you got to remember those guys. You have famous Polish painters and artists like Jean, like I think his name is Jean because the J in Poland is like, it's silent. So it's like Jan, like the Spanish J. So Jan met. Mexico and Oh my goodness, I can't say these Polish, Polish, word Polish names, but these are the Polish artists. And you got to remember, if you guys are soccer fans, you have Robert Lewandowski, who was 

a good he's one of the best soccer players in the world, and Peter Zelenskiy, who plays for my favorite team, Napoli. He's from Poland as well. And all of my favorite Polish students that are listening 

Poland is home to a number of important universities, including the YAGO Lyon. Am I saying that right? Right. Hold on. Let me see if I can pronounce this right. One second, guys. I'm not going to keep messing up these names. Is pronounced the Yaggiolonian University, which is a very prominent university in Krakov, krakov and the University of Warsaw, where there's a lot of people that came from those universities, those two universities, lot of famous scientists, scholars, you know. Yeah. So 

whether you're interested in all these different types of topics. Poland is a interesting place to go to. I can't wait to visit. Like I said, I'll be there in the summer, I'll be visiting these different cities. But yeah, I can't wait to like just see the differences because I feel like in Poland the people are completely different as far as their demeanor as opposed to Americans. So it's going to be interesting to be able to see how they interact with each other and how they interact with different people, tourists. Or whatever. So it's going to be interesting. And yeah, so that was my podcast on Poland. Hopefully you guys learn some stuff and shinkuya and how you say Bye, bye is dovisenia. 

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