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France Adopts Stricter Language Rules for New Residents

France has changed its rules for people who want to live in the country. They now need to meet higher language standards. The government says this will help them fit in better. However, some people worry it might create a gap between those who speak French well and those who don't.

Depending on the type of permit someone is applying for, they now need to reach different language levels. For a multi-year permit, migrants need to meet the A2 standard, understanding common phrases. Before, A1 was enough. Permanent residence now requires B1, and becoming a citizen needs B2 instead of B1.

While President Emmanuel Macron supports the changes, some say it might not be fair to migrants from countries that don't speak French or use the Latin alphabet. Others think speaking the language well is a result of fitting in, not a requirement.

The new law started at the end of January and is part of a bigger plan. It also changes how the National Court of Asylum works and makes it easier to remove dangerous foreigners. It even offers permits for workers without proper papers in important jobs, like construction.

Questions for Thought:

  1. Learning Language: Do you think it's a good idea to ask people to speak a certain level of French before they can live in France?

  2. Fair or Not: How might these rules affect people who don't come from countries where they speak French or use the Latin alphabet?

  3. Biggest Change: What part of the new law do you think will have the most impact on migrants?

  4. Language and Fitting In: In your opinion, does speaking French well make someone fit in better, or is it something that happens after fitting in?

  5. Government Choices: How can a country like France make sure the rules are fair and don't leave anyone out?

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